Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Boley Rodeo 2018

Yes, nothing to do with running.
The Boley Rodeo is the biggest event of the year in this tiny town of less than 1,000 permanent residents.  Why do I distinguish permanent?  Because a prison is located within the city limits, and they are included in the population.
When I was in High School, we couldn't wait for rodeo weekend, always Memorial Day Weekend.  To us it was a time to look cool, drink, or whatever your drug of choice was, and chase the pretty women.
Now, in the last two years, as a member of the Chamber of Commerce, I've been involved in the actual production of the rodeo.  And this year I was the chair of the committee in charge of choosing a contractor and making sure everything at the rodeo grounds was ready for the event. 
All of this was taken care of through our committee and on the day of, it was quite hectic.  But the main reason for my post is while I've attended and even worked at several rodeos before, this was the first time I was actually behind the scenes.  After we stopped charging people to enter, I moved to the announcers stand.  This is where the cowboys and cowgirls either waited for their event, or came to get paid if they placed.  While observing all of this, I came to the conclusion that they are just like runners.  Enthusiastic about what they do, speaking their own language that most outsiders wouldn't understand.  And psyching themselves up before the event.
I would never want to try any of these events, but I get it now.