Sunday, September 7, 2008

Makin' Tracks 5k & Training

Training is going well. I've been feeling pretty good. I did a 12 mile run on Wed and felt pretty good. I did have an issue that has only happened to me once before. That "I've got to find a bathroom and fast" issue. And since I'm a guy, you can guess it wasn't number one. Anyway, I'll spare you the details, but I was able to take care of business, and felt so good after that the rest of my run went very well. Today I did a 16 mile run with 8 miles from mile 6 at 8:30 or better, my Boston qualifying pace.
Yesterday was the Makin' Tracks 5k race and I was a bit apprehensive since I hadn't run a short race in some time. But when I got to the site, and after a short warm up, I was really feeling pretty good. I felt like I might have a P R in me. I sized up my age group competition and decided there was only one person I had to worry about. We took off, and I was feeling good and taking it kind of easy. I was passing people but wasn't at maximum velocity yet. There are some small hills in this race, and I felt really good climbing them. After 3k I only saw the one guy in front of me and decided I might have a chance to catch him. I picked it up a bit, and after passing the 4k mark I was really starting to hurt. The last k is also uphill and I wasn't in love with it as much as the earlier ones. But I was determined to catch him, and hopefully win first in my age group. It also helps that I know this guy slows a bit near the finish. I caught him with about a block to go and won my age group by 4 seconds. I also P R'ed by 20 seconds. A good morning all in all.


Willie said...

Congrats on a PR and winning your age group. You are really becoming a speedster! Hope all is well with you and yours.

DawnB said...

nice job congratulations. Nice PR